Programming ATtiny85 with USBASP programmer by using cmd and AVRdude

Programming ATtiny85 with USBASP programmer by using cmd and AVRdude

LED Blink and Fade effect with arduino uno

How to blink and fade led with arduino uno?

Today i will show You how to make/programm fading and blinking LED using Arduino UNO.
It`s very simple and You only need a few stuff.

Resistor Value table

Resistor Value table 

Car Stereo PC Power Supply Mod Simple Tutorial

Car Stereo PC Power Supply Mod Simple Tutorial

Here is simple tutorial how to make car audio alive using PC power supply. My home theater burned down, but i can`t live without music, so i made this for now.

Here is my old car audio and PC power supply, which i will use in my little project.

Led Cube 3x3x3 Tutorial

Want to make Led Cube 3x3x3? Here is TUTORIAL how to make it!

Capacitor Conversion Chart

Capacitor Conversion Chart / Table 

Here is some capacitor letter tables. Usefull when need to find capacitor sizes fast.
1. table

Ceramic and monolitic cap`s, capacitor marking table

Ceramic and monolitic cap`s, capacitor marking table

capacitor code